
Monday, January 5, 2015

To a New Year.

I can not believe it has been so long since I have blogged. I am just in shock that something I worked and debated on so much to start and I just let it all go. Honestly I was letting Social Media rule my life. I was so worried about putting my blog out there that I got caught up in it all and my wifely and motherly duties where put to the side. But Praise the Lord I have had a break and think I am more than ready to begin this journey once more....maybe

Since the last time I wrote I have some HUGE news. WE'RE EXPECTING...a baby that is. A little precious girl baby. I am so blessed to become a mother to another child and try my best to raise them in the ways of the Lord. 

These are a couple of our Christmas photos. Since a year has came and passed since the last time I blogged.We are beyond blessed to have had so much this Christmas Season. I was about 15 weeks pregnant with baby M in these pictures!!! And of course thats my Jase Man.
This picture was taken at our Christmas Banquet. It was so beautiful, and we had such a great time. Mrs. Stephanie who blogs over at The Cozy Old Farmhouse did such an amazing job. Check it out and see how beautiful it was.

Well I am 22 weeks pregnant now, and I am due in the beginning of May. We are so excited to go on this journey once more as a family of three. I plan on documenting my pregnancy just for the sake of my own accountability. I have chosen a completely different birth plan this go around and I would love to share the journey with other mothers maybe going through the same thing. I understand I have missed a whole 22 weeks of pregnancy but I assure you I plan on catching up.This Blog would keep me more than accountable and Im sure other mothers would keep me going. So Stay reading to find out more how a women trying to be virtuous goes through pregnancy!!!


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