
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy Easter

Our family had a great Easter!!! Although we were not able to see any family, we had a great time with our church family. The most exciting news is we had a record breaking number of people in church Sunday morning. It was amazing. We were finally able to see the fruit from the work of visiting for weeks. Hopefully some of the people continue to come to church, but as for now, the seed was planted.

Chris and Jase wore matching suits, probably the cutest thing in the world for a mama. To just add to the amazing timewe had on Easter, my class quoted Psalms25:1-10. I was so proud of them. They have came such a long way.

Well I thought I would share some pictures of the great time we had.
Are they Handsome,or what?

I told you we had a lot of visitors on Easter!!!!

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