
Monday, February 3, 2014

Why not pants... Modest is hottest!!

If you have ever met me and my family, we look normal, but over time people seem to realize that I always wear dresses or skirts. I was recently asked " Do you not wear pants because of conviction or your religion". Today I'm gonna set it straight. 
I wear skirts about 95% of the time. This is because of PERSONAL conviction. Not because of religion, nor laws, nor demands. Have I always wore skirts/ dressed modest? No. Am I ashamed at the things I have let people see me in?You better believe it. Just like my blog name , I strive to be a virtuous women ( although I have not always had that mindset) there for I try to dress modest. When my husband preaches he uses the phrase " if Jesus looked at you, would he be pleased?" . I truly feel like that's the tender heart we should have,especially   as women. 
My family bases our beliefs on bible principles , as my husband is an independent baptist preacher. Do all baptist dress like me? No. Really the majority does not. I feel God has laid on my heart that modesty should be a women's main idea when getting dressed. Now does modesty mean frumpy, baggy, black & brown , eww ? NOOOO. that's the hardest point to get through some times. I love colors, different styles, bling jewelry!! I'm telling you that being modest does not mean being drab, modest is hottest(;

Just because you wear pants does not mean I don't think your modest. Please don't think that. God deals with everyone in there own ways. I wear skirts, but many of my friends do not. But even if you don't I still believe modesty should be shown in your apparel. Don't believe me, that wine should be modest 
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30 KJV)"
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; (1 Timothy 2:9 KJV)"
That seems pretty straight forward to me. (: I'm glad God convicted my heart , to strive to be a modest, virtuous women. Do I fail? You better believe it , but thank you Lord for your grace and forgiveness. 

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