
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Welcome To The Holden Family

I think the best way to start this is for you to get to know me and my family. I'm not saying we are perfect and we don't fall but I love my family...

This is my precious, giggles, stinky, best mood ever son. I could have never asked for a better child then sweet little Jase!!!! He was born on May 25,2013 that's when mine and Chris's life's changed for ever. He loves to go outside, he hates to and loves his sweet Daddy. I just adore him and spoil him all I can. We plan on expanding our family and can not wait to Jase can have a new brother or sister(:

Now this hunk of a man ladies, is my husband. God truly blessed me when I found Chris. He is an amazing pastor and leader of our church. He is a true man of his word, which sometimes is annoying when he promises the world to everyone, but I live the adventure he brings us on.  I truly strive to be as humble as him. He loves to be outside, have you noticed we are an outside family yet ? Lol. He means the world to me. I'm in awe everyday how blessed I am to have married this man.

So that's our family. Short, sweet and to the point. Plan on having more. Of course!!! We would love to have more. We just recently miscarried our second child. Which was incredibly hard, and truly a burden on out hearts. But we know it was The Lords will and we will go on with our lives. How many kids do you want??? As many as The Lord allows. I'm sure you think we are crazy by now. But we just want to please God. I love children and being a mommy it is the greatest thing in the world. I can't wait to have a house full. But as for now I am satisfied with my sweet loving family.

So that's us, The Holden Bunch. Chris, Jess, and Baby Jase.

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