
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One of those days

So this week this far has been so crazy. I have been so stressed but last night during our churches revival I realized it is all in Gods hand. I am so blessed, as a mother and wife. Praise The Lord for his blessings!!

On a side note. How stinking cute is this. I mean how can anyone be stressed with this smiley face !!

To add to the stress Jase had his 9 month check up today!! The doctor said he was doing fantastic and is right where he needs to be. In Lou of Jases doctors appointment this morning I want to take a second to talk about how to find a pediatrician. I Love our doctor. She is amazing !!!

All though she was not our first choice. Weird right. I'll tell you the story. 

When Jase was first born we lived in a different location and planned on going to the closest pediatrician in the area. We went there for his first app, when we got there they thought he had a little hint of jaundice. So we had to get that tested. Blah blah blah. Next thing lead to next thing and jase had to be hospitalized to treat it. 

The doctor wanted him to go to the closest hospital, which if could be compared to anything in this world, it would be a grave yard. People go there to die. Literally. And I didn't want to go there when the next closest hospital has the best pediatric unit in Florida

So there's thAt short little story. So we started looking for a new pediatrician and we have found the most fantastic one. EVER. 

Steps to decide on a pediatrician 

1.) Make a list of things you want from a pediatrician.  If location is a huge factor for you something on your list would be something like " close to home"  or maybe promotes AAP guidelines. Which was most definitely NOT on my list haha

2.) Research and decide about vaccines and treatment. Some parents are against vaccinations, which is okay. If that's the case try and look for a doctor or read reviews and see if they would be supportive of that decision or not 

3.) Talk to your friends. More than likely you friends will have somehow the same views about things. I literally asked ever lady in our church to find out what doctor they used. I asked questions and really dug deep. This helps you to see how a doctor is. 

4.) Try it out. If you think you find the right office, go and try it out. The worst thing that could happen is you don't like it. I tried our doctors office, and we loved it. 

Reasons I love our pediatrician. 

- She has always showed such love and care toward our son

- explains everything to us, why it happens, different treatments, and tells us what she thinks

- Remembers her patients, and makes us feel like a friend

- Great staff in the office 

- Stays up to date on medical treatments and studies. 

- Is more liberal or open to different ideas, which I love (:

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