
Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to stockpile diapers...

As you all know I love to coupon, especially when it comes to things I have to buy anyways. So in going to show you how I have never paid full price for diapers or wipes. That's right NEVER!!!!

Doing this has saved our family more money than anything. The hard part is to know what size to buy but I will post what my son went through to kind of give you something to go by.  I ONLY buy the packs of diapers, not the boxes. I do this because most of the time a package if diapers has a lower per diaper cost than the box diapers. Ladies I know we all have smart phones, while in store get it out and do the math. That should be rule #1. 

So thus is my sons Diaper usage for the first 12 months. 
Newborn: Around 6 packs ( 216 diapers)
Size 1: Around 4 packs (160 diapers)
Size 2: Around 16 packs (640 diapers) 
Size 3: Around 19 packs (680 diapers)

As far as wipes I have not paid for them since Jase has been born due to couponing. My stockpile for baby wipes has been compleat lay free, or money makers which is even better. 

Thus is my wipe stock pile which I am beyond proud of, and has saved us SO MUCH money. 

Tips and Tricks for a diaper stockpile

1. Be cautious of diaper size
        I'm talking about brand wise. I have come to find that pampers run bigger than huggies, and things of that nature. So be cautious of the size and use the smaller ones first. 

2. Notice the package size
       You wil come to find that the bigger the diaper the less that are in the pack. So try to find the cheapest brand , but with the most diapers. It really is just simple math 

3. Know what your paying for. 
       Find a price per diaper that you are willing to pay, and do not go over it. I do not pay over .13 or .14 cent s a diaper. If you set a price it's more likely that you will not go over it. 

4. Be open to different brands 
       I understand if the brand breaks your baby out , or you don't like the chemicals in that brand. But luckily Jase can use almost any diaper, so we save a lot of money on store brands as well. Try them out if you don't like them, then you know. 

Do you save on diapers?? We'll you better start. 

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