
Monday, February 3, 2014

Fool proof way to find Prince Charming

I was talking to my best friend and she suggested me let my readers know about mine and Chris's love story. How it started, my life before. So I started thinking about it, then I realized I know exactly how I caught my greatest catch....
Through my God, with out him I would be lost, desperate, and alone. When I was 15 years old God started really dealing with my heart. I should probably mention that right before this time I was back sliding, being a terrible ' bearer of Christ' and influencing people in the wrong ways. But God started working on my heart
1.) Have a strong relationship with The Lord: How can you do anything with out Him? You can't. So seek God , acquire a loving relationship with him. Pray, study, read and give your heart to God. It was when I said " Lord I'm giving you my heart, every piece of it. Do what you will with it. Send me a husband Lord in your sweet time, until then God I will give my whole heart to you" that is when God started to change everything. 
2.)From here God started working in me and so e where deep inside I just knew I wanted to marry a preacher, a man in fire for God. Truly I think that I thought a preacher was the only person that was going to keep my accountable as a wife, do to my previous relationships. So my pastor told me to make a list of things I wanted in a husband. My list if I recall right had things such as loving, wants children, saved, a virgin.  Once you make a list stick to it. If you let your self develop feelings for someone who does not have all your qualities, your settling, and I assure you it will not work, that is NOT your Prince Charming. 
3.) Once you find a potential Prince Charming , do not, I repeat DO NOT let your guard down. I'm not talking emotionally but I guess physically. So often I hear our teens and young people at church talking about they kissed this person or that person. DONT. Love does not form from the lips, or hands and such, it forms in the heart.  Once you are married and are with the one you love you look back and wish you could have saved every kiss, every time you held hands for this one special person. Think I'm wrong? Well that's how it was for me, I'm sure it would be the same way for any other person
4.) Lastly, once you form a bond/ relationship with this person put it all in Gods hands. Your his child and I am positive he will take care of you. In my case my relationship with Chris was very fast to people of this world. But for me it was perfect. We Got married young, but it was all in Gods timing.maybe it's The Lords will for you to get married in 5 years who knows maybe 10. God knows what's right. I can say I have been there searching for a perfect man to sweep me off my feet, let me tell you I never found him till I found the most perfect man Jesus Christ. If your tired of waiting seek God, if your hurt God will heal you. 
I can say now I have my Prince Charming, 2 and a half years ago I would have never thought I would be able to say that. God can do miraculous weather they are in your timing or not, you just have to give it all to him
I will let yall in on our love story. These are some pictures from the day Chris asked me to be his wife. Oh how we have changed in this short time. Seems just like yesterday, this is proof ladies, Mr. Prince Charming does exist.

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